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[英文] 晨读经典英语诗歌欣赏:摘罢苹果 [複製鏈接]

晨读经典英语诗歌欣赏:摘罢苹果  My long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree
% L+ U5 P. X  \, W' t6 l  Toward heaven still,
3 D7 _( |' Z' B2 A) }& E3 Q  And there's a barrel that I didn't fill
; S( j9 }( _; J, X7 h0 b  Beside it, and there may be two or three  a7 r, N' e3 B7 T
  Apples I didn't pick upon some bough.7 j  r+ ~9 B3 o; T. |
  But I am done with apple-picking now.5 {* y: [, ]; p6 N/ m& t" s" Y
  Essence of winter sleep is on the night,
1 l6 A# H. C8 Y* @  The scent of apples: I am drowsing off.+ f: l5 w, l4 O
  I cannot rub the strangeness from my sight
' X& |( i+ R+ v( S: K/ a  I got from looking through a pane of glass% A, e! s; W9 j6 J: a  y9 S7 l
  I skimmed this morning from the drinking trough0 C3 _* l7 l- a3 ]& s# `
  And held against the world of hoary grass.
0 x/ `1 l& `0 o; g2 P, w  It melted, and I let it fall and break.
# e! N$ e) Y6 N% E  But I was well9 m! _- B  u5 V: C1 L' b. T; Q
  Upon my way to sleep before it fell,
6 r% ~$ M" M7 k  And I could tell
" T/ S  o: Q0 C$ k  What form my dreaming was about to take., C: K. I8 G: l9 r4 ~
  Magnified apples appear and disappear,
  n/ f3 l. B! d0 I  Stem end and blossom end,  S1 r- s1 z6 _0 K
  And every fleck of russet showing clear.$ s( m0 E6 p4 U# R& ]3 _% i
  My instep arch not only keeps the ache,
- o7 }. _# ~" s+ N, }9 l+ u  It keeps the pressure of a ladder-round.9 b2 ?0 E- q. }: u% [6 F
  I feel the ladder sway as the boughs bend.
- |. x' l+ y3 p# {5 F$ I  And I keep hearing from the cellar bin
( n. p$ \: X) T* a1 L  The rumbling sound' a2 W4 E) a5 X; y5 @( r. V
  Of load on load of apples coming in.
4 n  G2 W; y4 [) z4 q. k' `' c  For I have had too much
7 ?4 n: n: S+ N& A, @! ]" w  Of apple-picking: I am overtired6 y5 K5 D! T* n% A3 u2 f
  Of the great harvest I myself desired.
1 @# P' a4 [/ P  There were ten thousand thousand fruit to touch,
; m0 U) i. B% y/ Y% ^$ b( W- w6 F  Cherish in hand, lift down, and not let fall.' f5 o, ^1 ?2 L8 O; [
  For all
. i# a9 a' k" `& ^  That struck the earth,
, V8 A3 x6 w" I1 [5 s) q* {  No matter if not bruised or spiked with stubble,! y' D( |. `, |  l6 R" s# ?
  Went surely to the cider-apple heap" s' E* r) b) @7 j3 U9 o
  As of no worth.
# j" n' W2 W3 h/ [* N6 w  One can see what will trouble
" n0 J3 S" x6 v0 ]  This sleep of mine, whatever sleep it is.
( o$ F- l4 A5 B2 r7 I  Were he not gone,6 Z% ~* ?0 Y/ }+ a
  The woodchuck could say whether it's like his
) f& v3 P( d2 @  Long sleep, as I describe its coming on,
5 x+ @8 T0 O/ u% a) C( A, N# z( s2 n, b* n  Or just some human sleep.. o. t: P2 @: Z$ M; Y8 P9 K
  长梯穿过树顶,竖起两个尖端( K$ t6 N1 [, t2 Q! _! Q* m; g
* `3 o- u2 L; v3 }5 [) a  梯子脚下,有一只木桶,
1 ~0 F: D/ T; @/ K4 o  我还没给装满,也许
" [8 P0 r- c) c4 A" s5 R; ?  还有两三个苹果留在枝头& a. g; v- M8 t: f' b- I# b% I
3 ]: e& L7 D% q) Y  我算是把摘苹果这活干完了。) n0 J) v4 o$ \
  夜晚在散发着冬眠的气息2 v5 w% r. n: Y; K% T) f# y
  ——那扑鼻的苹果香;6 g* O- {$ {3 S1 l, G
  我是在打磕睡啦。+ w2 W2 X5 |" @" Z, B' H
# o0 |3 J7 j. R8 g. u- F% E- {  却揉不掉眼前的奇怪——  Q, b# [3 |% D& w/ z2 s+ b
  这怪景像来自今天早晨,5 N/ h; ?. n% o- A( Z
- d5 X4 w" m6 n( t  像一块窗玻璃,隔窗望向% v. W4 I# e% ~2 C
  一个草枯霜重的世界。0 ~9 ]) A3 S9 }
/ e) B" q' O2 |# @. b2 C  可是它还没落地,我早就' S/ c0 e$ @* `6 N$ O) F7 a
  A1 Z) P5 u1 H. A. W  我还说得出,我的梦
9 S3 H2 @8 f& X  会是怎么样一个形状。, D; G* |% n3 v9 ^) D1 R
  膨胀得好大的苹果,忽隐忽现,6 A# g+ ~* J* P6 v
  一头是梗枝,一头是花儿,( m* P% n: I' X5 ~% J+ x, \. m
  N% [9 W, R* S( a, m  好酸疼哪.我的脚底板.- ^. H1 p' h% d: ^
  可还得使劲吃住梯子档的分量,1 `* D4 g5 H% v4 J9 J* Y
  我感到那梯子) J  N4 d1 I9 n! u3 X" \
( R! ?- Z/ t, P" i  耳边只听得不断的隆隆声——; }" L$ G: P* _: @
% U: L; ]; w  u3 f9 G# y  H  摘这么些苹果,
% u/ l# z$ f, \6 f  {  尽够我受了;我本是盼望$ V* E2 ~  B5 Z# |- ]
4 V4 Z) a0 g. A: ]  V% }) I  有千千万万的苹果你得去碰,0 u8 C* \. e/ M  q3 f) q  ]8 L
  得轻轻地去拿,轻轻地去放.7 m7 _- l: ]9 T
  不能往地上掉。只要一掉地,. _# e8 p' l, B6 G+ G. k; H1 n
5 D7 x# p- e* l9 N$ x+ y3 ?6 \  只好全都堆在一边,去做苹果酒,
9 o  _4 i( b( e; C  算是不值一钱。/ q8 r4 y2 z7 M  I& @5 ?2 x% T
  你看吧,打扰我睡一觉的是什么,  j1 |% N8 Y/ C. T
% T& i* c& r' _  L1 ^- g  如果土拨鼠没有走开,
# W9 m  D% e5 n- D8 a2 u# A  听我讲睡梦怎样来到我身边,
* i2 P/ G4 ?; Y) W( n  那它就可以说,& U$ N5 c# R! U7 n0 r& ?
9 ]' q: r. h! \3 N( P* M  或者说,这不过是人类的冬眠。
  c4 f5 {! T# B2 p$ }. A' y
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