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[英文] 经典英语诗歌译文:舞台之爱 [複製鏈接]

经典英语诗歌译文:舞台之爱! G2 j. m- s4 F# k

& i: E, a+ \2 J, S+ f  When the game began between them for a jest,9 f: n% B; N& V
  He played king and she played queen to match the best;
6 C1 A; r( P+ V4 U1 L6 m  Laughter soft as tears, and tears that turned to laughter,, b, e2 b9 v7 W
  These were things she sought for years and sorrowed after.
) {5 K, |9 v) ~  Pleasure with dry lips, and pain that walks by night;
/ x  G' Z/ c% d7 V4 ~" i  All the sting and all the stain of long delight;( g# P1 o' d( q3 u& h, J+ q
  These were things she knew not of, that knew not of her,
+ ~& m+ n& r  M+ s' _  When she played at half a love with half a lover.
0 Y8 L5 q: N" d+ I% C; _( b4 |- Y& s; e  Time was chorus, gave them cues to laugh or cry;2 a+ O# A' c0 K+ v$ e
  They would kill, befool, amuse him, let him die;3 g/ I. y" B  ]9 d. z
  Set him webs to weave to-day and break to-morrow,
# B8 O% D+ `6 X/ S2 X4 b  Till he died for good in play, and rose in sorrow.
* c+ ?2 X* j9 E* j& C  What the years mean; how time dies and is not slain;, X7 Z1 s- k" u
  How love grows and laughs and cries and wanes again;5 _  [3 y1 v0 P) h' E$ W" @
  These were things she came to know, and take their measure,+ [$ H8 q" q$ g( R
  When the play was played out so for one man’s pleasure.
: ~7 T. ~% H* l1 q  帷幕拉开,他们登台演戏两人联袂,
- K3 G# R4 X: C3 ^- a, o# ]  男演国王女演王后最为般配;
+ w; c# ~/ J! l$ v1 @  泪水化作笑声,笑声却柔如泪水,
. C. f# y/ b7 {# D  这本是她多年的梦想,不料会充满伤悲。2 m, J" s& t- x/ ]7 Q) Q
  欢乐中唇焦舌燥,痛苦里夜不能寐,! B5 c1 ^4 E4 u/ G9 B9 f
$ r# a) c' @$ C8 s' K3 g: f4 d  当她与半真的情人表演半假的爱情,3 D& u6 V/ ~7 F+ @. [. ?
' e4 Y& A: J* X6 ~; J+ l' T  尽管脚本最后要他们又哭又笑,1 w! ?5 _2 v. U# |5 T4 g# {
7 ]# X4 B* t) ?0 i  C0 Y! ~9 q: u  伤害他,作弄他,叫他去死,% U* R) i1 ]3 U0 ~( t
  他在剧中真的死去,落幕后他满脸热泪。5 `+ G* l+ R5 P0 w$ J  i- w5 l& C
  时光易逝时光无限谁能品出真味?2 T' @, Q3 }1 O, |
  a3 H; e2 |4 i& q2 L- ~" P  这一切她开始懂得,开始用心思量,' m1 N( J; \3 _& U
4 M8 H2 D0 `( H# o8 d; d' }, m6 J& }
  X5 D3 b6 [' n; `, k
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