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[英文] custom是什么意思 [複製鏈接]

custom既能做名词也能做形容词,那么你知道custom做名词和形容词分别都是什么意思吗?, ~9 b  H/ W, N& f) C) ?

( N9 T3 F# {2 b2 t; e" o  custom作名词的意思:! v7 _. l, u5 k3 Z. a; R
  习惯,惯例;海关,关税) p. t2 Z# Q; Y. |" u
+ x) ?, z6 W9 _& v7 Z! h  定做的,定制的
  m$ r( E0 V/ O7 A# K5 ~  custom的英语音标:' v: o5 t; q! l. y5 s
  英 [ˈkʌstəm]
$ k, p: p3 U$ @& k  美 [ˈkʌstəm]2 }! N  ^* g# m6 Y' ^' ?! q' V; ~
7 U: u+ b& e2 n4 g9 _) Z) ?  customs
  _. ]' n. E% h  custom的英语例句:
7 W+ f. {, i6 e% g' q9 {5 S3 A: U  1. It was his invariable custom to have one whisky before his supper.1 S' u) _) ~7 w" ]
4 ]/ o5 }3 o# K/ P  2. Furniture can also be custom-made to suit your own requirements.
  ], c3 L# J1 x+ S% a7 C  b6 V6 O  你也可以按照自己的要求定制家具。
- [3 e( j0 |* `% ^4 @8 U. g, N" p  3. The married women of Shitamachi maintained the custom of blackening their teeth.2 H$ D2 j! E7 G! b) W9 i4 c
  下町的已婚女性还保留着把牙齿涂黑的习俗。3 p! x5 h- K' f6 r5 g3 e
  4. This custom was still current in the late 1960s.
# X6 r8 g: m, Y, |  这种习俗在20世纪60年代末仍然很普遍。
# ^4 M6 K0 {; H5 w- l1 g  5. When they conquered Britain, the Romans brought this custom with them.
+ r& T* G+ `( R+ V" V6 h  古罗马人征服英国的时候也带来了这个风俗。
! [$ T  c6 i, ~, [# S9 r  6. You have the right to withhold your custom if you so wish." c* f& F" S$ I& l3 n
* ~; t2 [2 p0 X/ m- ?  7. The machine was custom-built by Steve Roberts.
! W2 N8 }1 ?, {, a' y  这台机器是请史蒂夫·罗伯茨定做的。
2 A! ^+ g$ M* v- e7 Z$ }- @  8. This custom has been carried down from the 18 th century.
7 A. G- }6 b- N- Z  这一习俗从18世纪一直传到现在.
3 I' H9 J& a7 c1 y  9. They kept to the custom to hold their wedding.3 W0 X+ h- _- U3 N0 a
2 @2 m8 b# G& S/ `  10. This custom has been passed down since the 18 th century.
4 P0 r' B* [" b3 @  这个风俗从18世纪就沿袭下来.# E- l/ M0 @" Z0 K+ T  O
  11. The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent among these people.2 P7 s& ?1 n$ t" j* J
  崇拜祖先的风俗在这些人中是普遍的.# m4 T( F9 s+ @9 I
  12. The custom will never receive the sanction of tradition.3 U1 f# x' N6 P* [7 B- K
  那种风俗绝不会作为传统的东西而被提倡.* v" ~* ^6 l0 S
  13. It is the custom of foreigners to do so.
7 @4 A* b$ W9 l" u9 z% C  这种做法是外国人的习惯.6 A: z1 L- t3 M0 d0 s& e
  14. The custom traces to the time of the Warring States./ o9 S" r0 I( Z( I
  这个风俗可上溯到战国时代.  _! ?* R9 h$ v
  15. It is the custom with [ of ] the local people to do so.
. W# l- F4 ?. C" y9 `; {$ e  这种作法是当地人的习惯.
9 y! N  W8 `( \, z  {1 Q; q# S( d  ?# h3 C: a( m$ T+ `! G+ d
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