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[英文] 经典英文诗精选:Loon Point [複製鏈接]

经典英文诗精选:Loon Point  Softly the water ripples' G4 m* r2 L3 _8 M9 _: g8 L
  Against the canoe's curving side,
/ p# K) s" B3 |! P  Softly the birch trees rustle
- O& V- F% c0 I' a2 S  Flinging over us branches wide.8 p7 Q7 h  J- y3 g
  Softly the moon glints and glistens& N. u; V' z/ s. C& I3 C
  As the water takes and leaves,4 H5 v9 _7 T) _  z( u& n" S
  Like golden ears of corn2 E; O4 {. v2 |( L0 I
  Which fall from loose-bound sheaves,7 P" I* i  S9 P- z* s+ }8 y
  Or like the snow-white petals
2 h& t: m( i  ?5 s6 C" P4 l  Which drop from an overblown rose,
  p9 I! L& K, }1 B5 R. `0 h  A  When Summer ripens to Autumn
8 {2 z7 M: j. E& o+ P  And the freighted year must close.3 \* q: ]& Q# p1 {
  From the shore come the scents of a garden,5 V2 n, z% O' ^4 G% s
  And between a gap in the trees
+ a: C& ^- M7 f( d6 d9 z3 b  A proud white statue glimmers
- r2 B3 F, u# U) k1 E9 U/ |+ V5 r  In cold, disdainful ease.* J6 e$ B; n) L# _3 N0 n3 a1 [1 y' x
  The child of a southern people,
) R0 F' d* i' W  K. D  The thought of an alien race,
0 H" v: Z1 c& u* T+ _& _" W  What does she in this pale, northern garden,* [) a. x. h  @' Y
  How reconcile it with her grace?8 I: j6 L0 G) t; W/ }+ Q# E
  But the moon in her wayward beauty
$ I1 y: G! R+ ^6 X& Y" ~* L0 h  Is ever and always the same," i' }4 R( @: {% J
  As lovely as when upon Latmos
4 X, K* i/ [9 h4 [  She watched till Endymion came.# T" r- \. v8 [4 {
  Through the water the moon writes her legends
* Z& c2 P% V1 p) z; `( H  In light, on the smooth, wet sand;3 W( _" W/ X5 V. U3 e0 p$ r, n
  They endure for a moment, and vanish,$ M0 m) I; u# K' p+ [
  And no one may understand.
' `. }1 z( H8 h% j3 `" o0 a  All round us the secret of Nature* ~+ i" M4 ~% D6 m0 }: x! z
  Is telling itself to our sight,
9 q6 G  K, P1 o. F0 Z* ]) t  We may guess at her meaning but never
! W) `* k' U. e6 l. g  Can know the full mystery of night.8 h: w. j  ?! U$ u. V7 c
  But her power of enchantment is on us,
: ]8 m; D( [3 W) w' V  We bow to the spell which she weaves,  ]& k, `* l' {! V7 U7 I
  Made up of the murmur of waves
# }% d+ f( G( B/ y0 O/ C: s  And the manifold whisper of leaves.: N5 ]5 O8 F- W

$ V2 W4 J5 M  j- y! O4 a
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